Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sorting the Heart, Liu Baigu, and Inducing Labor

...Without sorting our Heart, it is more difficult to know the correct actions to take, easy to fall into a position of trying to control labor and birth increasing the potential for unnecessary interventions. Liu Baigu of the Huai Xuan[1] school presents us with the steps to cultivate the Heart, the first being to remove selfishness by observing inner phenomena, desire and emotions. This means replacing wants and desires from the exterior with gratitude and contentment on the interior. For birth this includes eliminating the desires and wants to induce labor for exterior purposes, including the desires of the provider, discomfort, schedules or fear, and replace it with gratitude and contentedness in knowing that nature takes care of things in the appropriate manner and knows the proper time for gestation to end and labor to begin.

When making decisions in pregnancy, there are several influencing factors: what we ourselves want to do, what we think our healthcare provider wants us to do, what we think our friends, family and society want us to do. This struggle in making decisions can feel like a game of tug of war with the mind, weighing the pros and cons, trying to justify our choices to ourselves and everyone else around. If instead, the decisions are approached with a clear Heart, the correct path arises naturally with less anxiety and fear about the judgments from others. There are no universally right answers when it comes to health, pregnancy or childbirth, thus it falls upon each of our own Hearts to make decisions that induce Courage within.

[1] See Seidman & Jaensch, 2013. Hunyuan Xinfa: The Lost Heart of Medicine. p 74, for more information about Liu Baigu and the Huai Xuan school.

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